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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Judgment Day-Your life just a boardgame?

My son recently asked to purchase the game Battleship.  I thought hey, why not since it's a good way to recognize letters and numbers.  So I bought it and he was super happy...

I started to write this post in 2011 and judgement day, I am sure, had a different meaning.  However today I pick it up and take my turn at explaining thinking what it means to me in 2012, this month, today, now. 

So, I mention the game Battleship because, at times, I think my life is played by players vying to sink my ships.  I have so many ships struggling to stay afloat, and while some I have control over, some I do not; but when it comes to sinking them, the players, lately, have more control than me.  Make sense? 

I should have control over my own decision making, my own life choices, my own everything.  Yet, I know that some things are just simply out of my hands.  GOD? Men? Family? Friends? Foes? I can only control what I do and how I do it.  Others will make their own "right" choices.  And  take their own "right" pathway.  However when somebody takes control over something that is my own, and I let it happen, shame on me and my ship deserves to be sunk.  However when the reality is that I have no control because I really have no control, so be it.

Sometimes I feel like my life resembles Hungry Hungry Hippo.  Know that game?  Yeah I tend to be starving at times and I like to eat much for myself (sometimes I share) but that's not what I mean.  We are all hungry, we all have an appetite for life and here we are in the survival of the fittest.  Many of us are hungry for the same thing, but mostly we are simply hungry and want to get what only we want.  Keeping our eyes on the prize.  Our prize.  Our life.  All those hippos stretching out their necks to get the food, the goal, the fulfillment.  And here we are, humans, always sticking out our necks for ourselves and others so we can get what we want and need. 
Well , what happens to those hippos after they are full?????????  And what happens when we have no more battleships???


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

This kid has it good!

I thought I would highlight my lil man this week.  As he is my mini-me!  I tend to tell you all about my beliefs and my struggles but let me tell you about one reason I am here and continue to move forward.

He is:
  • 5 years old
  • Easy going, unless he doesn't get what he wants when he wants it
  • Funny, can make anyone smile on command
  • Smart, knows definitions of big words and can use them in a situation.  For example, he says to me the the other day "Mom, do you know what modification means?" I respond, "Eh? Modification? Sure."  He cuts in "yes, it means you modify something so someone can understand or do something." I stunningly say "yes, it's when you change an activity or a a word so that someone else can understand.  Great job handsome!" 
  • Handsome-yeah he gets his looks from me
  • Loving, what kid yells out in any public place "Mom, I love you!" and blows kisses...makes me melt and feel embarrassed for my lil momma's boy.  Lucky, what kid gets to go to Disney every 4 months????? 
  • Loved, 2 parents and a lot of friends and family who love him
  • Mine, all mine.  For now...
He had his first day in Kindergarten this September.  I wonder if they asked him what he did on his summer vacation because it was loaded!!!

Here's some pictures of my pride and joy during his summer vacation!  If only his teachers could see this.

Christmas in July at Point Pleasant

Hanging and swinging at Chelsea Piers

Okay this might not be on his fun list: The cousin trying to get him to eat corn.  Can you see the excitement?

The two Dans at a Staten Island Yankee Game.  As we enter the ballpark, the other Dans asks "Do we have to watch the game?" See the Power Ranger toys in their hands, yeah, that's what they did at the game.

New York Yankee Game

Venice Beach, California

Disney Cruise on the Magic with Pluto

Pure happiness.  His Star Wars fight with Pluto in Disneyland!!! Priceless!!