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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Life is a highway...

I now spend an hour each way each day on the Staten Island Expressway to take lil man to school and me to work.  Pre-Sandy-it was a one minute drive to school and a 15 minute drive to work. 
I now spend mornings eating breakfast with my niece or eating buffet style at a hotel.  Pre-Sandy I ate on the run and I made Dan breakfast.
I now spend my lunch hours doing research on furnaces, hot water heaters, electricity, insurance, FEMA, and any and all hurricane Sandy resources.  Pre-Sandy I used to go to  the mall.

I could go on...
My life is more than Pre and Post Sandy; However Sandy has helped me to confirm all that I know. 

My life is my Daniel and me. 
My life is those who support me for being me.
My life is riding roads that require a lot of energy and will.
My life is mine to own, embrace, enjoy, overcome.

My life was just was...I can cry, complain, confirm.  I can defend, delete, deny.
 I can love, learn, live.  YES!  I chose the L words!!!

There's a world outside every darkened door
Where Blues won't haunt you anymore
For the brave are free and lovers soar
Come ride with me to the distant shore...

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving is for the birds

I have to be honest...I never really wanted to celebrate Thanksgiving.  I really didn't like turkey.  Barely (and that's stretching it) watched football.  Couldn't fathom the story of the Pilgrims and the Indians. 

But each year, I took a piece of turkey and filled up on bread and mashed potatoes and whatever pasta dish that was prepared for me.  Then came my son's first Thanksgiving-it was all about that: His first.  So I celebrated.  I enjoyed.  Now, 5 years later, I have a different view.

I like turkey more, especially doused in cranberry sauce.  I still barely ( and that's stretching it) watch football.  And I still can't fathom the story of the Indians and Pilgrims.  But that's not just it...

Besides all this hoopla, I am so very thankful for what I have.  My son being the most important of those things.  This year I will celebrate Thanksgiving alone, to reflect on all those things that I have and that enable me to be who I am.  Hurricane Sandy and the personal events that I am facing right now show me what I am thankful for.  It has taken these horrible situations to prove to me that Thanksgiving is more than the bird we eat, more than the football we watch, more than the Pilgrims and Indians.

This was my list on twitter for the this week:

Thankful for the generosity of people. Not only during # but all through my life.
Thankful for the ability to see and hear and smell and taste
Thankful for all the opportunities I've been presented with
Thankful for being raised by 5 women
Another day... Thankful for a shredder
It's amazing how one person can break you down to pieces. I'm thankful for Taylor Swift's never ever gonna get back together
Countdown to #. I'm thankful for my Daniel

THANKSGIVING is about what is here and now.  What we have to be thankful for.  Who we have that we are thankful for.  Love, generosity, hope, life, people, water, food, shelter...So much more than you think.

Be Thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

A little dity about Sandy, my Danny and me

Sandy can't you see I'm in misery...
A line from the Sandy song in Grease...branded my favorite movie (tied with Beaches) yet my least favorite song in the movie.  And now even more so do I hate it.

Hurricane Sandy, Sandy, why-yi-yi-yi-yi
Oh Sandy

We have lost, but others have lost too
We are safe and alive
We hit roadblocks every step of the way

Friends, family, and strangers
Some give time
Some give muscle
Some give money
Some give clothes
Some give toys
All give us support,
A shoulder to cry on,
An ear to vent

This road is not an easy one,
it is a broken one

Hurricane Sandy, Sandy, why-yi-yi-yi-yi
Oh Sandy

This road is being walked by a woman and her son
Who have been torn to pieces

A woman who has torn down the walls to their home
Her son who has been displaced from home and school
A woman who is working to rebuild
Not only the structure of their home but her family too

A woman and her son will make major changes, major improvements
They will walk the Staten Island roads
To strength lane
To thanks avenue
To hope court
To love way

Sandy my darling you hurt me real bad
But safe and alive forever and ever we will be