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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Heather Feather

This was my nickname growing up.  My mom, my uncle, my sister, my grandma, and some others would refer to me as Heather Feather.  Loved that.  As I got older, classmates would say "Heather dressed in Leather, tell me the weather." Really didn't love that.  But oh well.  Now I am Heather, Heatha, Head, Heath, Heatherrrrrrr.  I love all of them! But I do miss being called Heather Feather-a tern of endearment that might be silly, made me feel loved.  You would think a hug or a "I love you" would make me feel that way but Heather Feather did it for me. So why am I writing about this here and now?  Well...

My uncle died last week after an almost 5 year struggle with Cancer. He was basically diagnosed after my grandmother's, his mother's, funeral in May 2008; Two weeks before Daniel's first birthday. 
We held my uncle's funeral consequently on my grandmother's birthday.  So many memories, like at all funerals, were brought up.  And even though I took in all the memories that I was not around for-because I am 10 years younger than my siblings and cousins-I held in my own simple memory that made me smile.  When he used to call me Heather Feather-when I used to feel a part of something.  A silly something.  A silly me.

Another reason I bring this up is that many people feel love via so many vehicles:
A hug
A kiss
An I Love You
A smile
A flower
A note
A letter
A text
A tweet
A facebook acknowledgment
A touch
A laugh
A dinner or lunch or breakfast
A wink
A song
A vacation
By loving yourself
A silly nickname...

I am sure there are many ways to show love; my list is a short but valuable one.  Check over your list. 
Love someone today!  It goes a long way.

And have a  Tequila shot for Uncle Roy and Grandma!

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