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Thursday, January 10, 2013

It's beginning to look a little like...2013

Sometimes you have to move on. 
Sometimes you have to's not all about one thing.
Sometimes you have to let go.
Sometimes you have to remember that the end of one year only opens a new year with a new motto.
Letting go...My best is good enough.

This year, the holidays came fast but surprisingly it has been a time for me to reflect and rejoice.

So my mantra is on and now my goals.  I'm not numbering them-I feel that prioritizes and I'm not there yet!

  • Take Complete a creative writing course.  I really love to write and want to hone my skills.
  • Learn better Spanish.  I miss speaking the language.
  • Exercise Move regularly-no number on that-don't want to pigeon hole myself.  I love working out but I NEED to remember it's about the quality not quantity.  And I don't want to overwhelm my life with HAVING to do it because I didn't do it yesterday.  This could include running, kettlebells, horseback riding, walking, jumping rope, bowling etc.
  • Have fun.  I need to stop thinking so much and take control of having fun.
  • Don't stress.  I am me.  I am whatever I tend to be.  I need to take control of over analyzing and thinking far into the future.  Jenny McCarthy has a blog for the Sun Times and wrote a great entry this week that hit home regarding the importance of the moment. 
  • Learn how to swim.  I can basically stay afloat. But there's always room for improvement.
  • Take on Complete a half marathon.  I really want to do one in Disneyworld...But I'll consider other favorites.
  • Pray with little man more.  We started doing this again.  We need to do this more.  Routine, love, thinking of others.
  • Have fun with little man more.  Consistency yes but don't need to be so strict with NEEDING to do one thing or another. 
  • Help my son find his talents.  He has one or maybe more...but what will they be?  He is a good reader and an excellent story teller.
  • Walk away more from little man.  No, I would never leave my son alone.  However, my friends might understand that I am a helicopter mom. In everything he does, I am a helicopter mom.  I need to step back and let him grow and make decisions on his own sometimes. 
  • Take more ARTS training.  Become more involved in the ARTS.  It could be singing, acting...
  • Make more dinners or maybe lunches.  YES I DO COOK!!!! Not often yes, a working mom and a picky eater as a excuse.  But no more excuses.
  • Make more juices.  I love juicing.  I do need the chew factor in my life though.  I will be putting my juicer to work!
  • Enjoy those around me.  Don't question intentions.  Don't question their acts. Just enjoy them and what they can give to me.
  • Trapeze school- Come one...
  • De clutter.  From so much.  I need to hone this one.
  • Become more literate.  About so much.  I need to think and do for me and little man.
  • Be aware of what and how much I eat.  Cause we all know good food comes in abundance!
  • Read more.  So much technology and access to great books.
  • See more movies. Why not?
  • Challenge myself!  And know my best is good enough!!!!!!!

Let me know if you have any suggestions for books, recipes, or half marathons.

1 comment:

  1. I'm in with you on a few of these. Let's plan a day and chat through it. Or a run? Your call. xoxo
