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Friday, April 1, 2011

Fourth and Final Day of Cooler Cleanse

Before I get to the review of Cooler Cleanse, I want to tell you a little about my Tuesday and Wednesday.  On Tuesday, I decided to return to the gym to keep my stamina up!  The babysitting area was not open as of yet, but in my gym there are couches on one level of the gym where children can sit while their parent is exercising.  I placed my lil man on the couch and gave him a snack, very healthy chocolate, and told him that I am going over to the bikes. I said "If you need anything, just wave your hand and call mommy, and I will come."  Not but 2 minutes later, I see my cutie waving him arm and saying "mommy, I need you, mommy."  So I get off the bike and say to him "what do you need?"  "Mommy, I need you because I love you."  Now I am thinking, isn't he adorable but I have to acknowledge this need and get back on that bike.  All I wanted was 10 minutes so that he could go to the kids room. So I rephrase and tell him "if you have an emergency and a very important problem, wave your hand and call mommy."  One minute later..."mommy I have an emergency, there are these boys sitting next to me and I don't know them. Mommy, I don't know the boys."  Ugh, this is not working, I think.  So I get off the bike and talk him into going into the kid room.
I got to work out 20 minutes on the treadmill but my mind was shot.  This was not my ideal work out.  I did have bigger plans.
Wednesday arrives and it is time for my lil man to go to my sister's house.  Maybe many of you can relate.  If you have a sister who is laid back, thinks about herself and plays to the beat of her own drum.  Yet she is OCD and should be able to handle a three and half year old who demands nothing more than a TV, snacks and food, and water.  She has an 8 year daughter who is in 3rd grade, so she has had experience with a kid before.  My lil one is very easy going.  He loves to watch TV and loves to play superhero.  Let's get back to Wednesday, her usual babysitting day.  I was judging a science fair at an elementary school and was very busy throughout the day however called her after lunch three separate times.  These were her responses: "I have to call you back in a little while; I have to call you back in 10 minutes; and I have to call you back in 1 minute."  By the time she decided to call me back, I was already by her house and it was more than 2 hours later.  I had heard that my lil one was sick but didn't hear it straight from my sister's mouth until that phone call.  Now, I ask, why didn't she call me earlier because when I got to her house, my poor baby looked so weak.  But this is not unusual behavior for my sister so I just deal with it.  Is this normal?

So here is the review of the Cooler Cleanse:
First day was okay with the Almond Milk being the drink I liked least.  I also had a hard time finishing all six drinks because I was full.
Second day, I really had to push the Carrot and Brazil Nut down my throat.  And the Grapefruit and Mint was refreshing during a workout but I am not a fan of grapefruit.  The Carrot was okay when it was very cold, but once it was room temperature it needed apple or something to sweeten it up.  And the Brazil Nut was better than the Almond but again once it was a little warm, I had to force it down.  And the second day overall was the hardest day for me.  I had a headache and was tired. I was very cold and felt like I was going to pass out at one point.  But the good part of the day, and this didn't happen the first time I had tried it, was when my digestive system started kicking in.  I was over-joyed that this happened because I do not go to teh bathroom regularly and this cleanse really did kick start my organs!!!
The third day was also a good day. I felt full and had all six drinks with the pineapple and ginger being my favorite.  The fourth and final day was a piece of cake and I felt like I could do his cleanse every day for the rest of my life but then I realized I will need to chew something eventually!  Thank you watermelon and lime for getting me in the spring mode.
So overall my favorites were pineapple and ginger and watermelon and lime and my least favorites were carrot and almond milk.  I didn't order any coconut water, which I disliked my first go around, and the spicy lemonade but next time I will add the lemonade!  And just a note about the essential green and red: I am not the biggest fan but anything cold is good and because I knew that it was good for my body it was good for me to consume.  And the final note is that I lost 2 pounds.  I did expect to loose a little more but 2 pounds and a healthy digestive system is great!  Now you ask, am I glowing?  Well, you can ask my friend "Ariel" about that.

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